The closest airports to Gramado are the Salgado Filho International Airport in Porto Alegre, and the Hugo Cantergiani Regional Airport, in Caixas do Sul.
From Porto Alegre it can be reached by the RS-115 route if you go through Taquara, or the RS-235 route if you go through Rota Romântica, which is the most beautiful and scenic road. It is approximately 115 kilometers to Gramado and lasts two hours.
From Caixas do Sul to Gramado there are about 70 kilometers, and the journey lasts approximately an hour and a half. Access is via the RS-122 route.
The Gramado Bus Terminal is located in the center of the city, on Avenida Borges Medeiros 2100. It connects with other regions of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, and also offers routes to Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, among other destinations.
See more about the location of Gramado
See also information on São Paulo y Porto Alegre.