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The Capoeira

Capoeira is a Brazilian art form that combines different aspects of martial arts, music, sport and physical expression.

There are several theories about the origin of the word capoeira.
One version is that comes from the Tupi-Guarani language where caápuêra (CAA = field, thicket was already Puera =) results in the sequence of words capuíra, capoeira and capoeira.
Other scholars, related to the word capoeira with a special type of cages used to transport birds (capon), who were led by slaves to markets, and this term would extend the cages of slaves brought from Angola, in Africa. It is also said that traders had fun watching the slaves to practice this art-fight.

Styles of Capoeira

Capoeira has two different styles are called: Capoeira Angola and Capoeira Regional.

Capoeira Angola
Capoeira Angola is the oldest, is 500 years. It is considered the mother of capoeira and features remain tied to martial traditions, by furtive movements and playing participants 'jogo' closer to each other than in regional or contemporary.
In the jogo, the music starts slow, and the rate increases gradually with advancing stem, and the 'jogo' low, on the ground, with much malice and mischief, with a few tricks.
Capoeira Angola is concerned with maintaining traditions, and therefore the origin or descent of each group. In his family tree shows how all Mestre is a descendant of another Mestre, from origin to M. Pastinha until today.
Practitioners use a black uniform and generally yellow and sometimes white (ceremonial).

Capoeira Regional
It is a new form of Capoeira. The Mestre Bimba invented, mixing with another fight capoeira angola known as Rowdy (almost violent struggle where the goal is to knock the opponent to the ground using your legs). Made more accessible to the public and distanced himself from the criminal elements of Brazil.
It is more spectacular than the capoeira angola and has more acceptance of new capoeiristas worldwide. Combines with malice faster and athletic stunts.
The regional capoeira uniform is white with a cord.

Contemporary Capoeira
It is a term used for groups practicing multiple styles of capoeira simultaneously, blended elements of Regional and Angola as well as new moves that can not be classified into any of these styles.

The jogo

Historians say the Capoeira movements are reflecting some jungle animals.
Since his cautiously jaguar yet explosive attack, the spider weaving its way everywhere prey, the macaque with her jumps and somersaults, and the fox by his clever techniques to deceive the enemy.
In any case, the slave who escaped to the jungle, was chained and had to fend off "Capitães do mato '(slave traders) as I could. Shock applied to the head, elbows, knees, spinning, jumping or rolling on the floor.

As martial discipline, capoeira is known for softness and amplitude of their movements, most of which describe circular paths, sudden shock, you catch with their feet, using feints and fakes, long and medium distances, hitting with hand open, the elusive joint body, and the use of traditional weapons.

As art, Capoeira does not focus on injuring the opponent, but emphasizes his skill. The capoeiristas often prefer to show the movement without completing it, enforcing their superiority in the roda. If the opponent can not dodge a slow moving, there is no reason to use a faster one. Each attack that comes in, gives participants the opportunity to practice a technique of evasion.
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