The city of Rio de Janeiro, was originally founded as São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro, and is currently popularly known as Rio. It is located in the southeast of Brazil.
It was the capital of the Empire of Brazil since 1822, when the nation declared its independence from Portugal and kept that status until the inauguration of Brasilia in 1960.
It is the second most populous city in Brazil, with a lot of international tourism traffic.
Among the main attractions we can mention the Sugar Loaf, the statue of Christ the Redeemer (one of the seven wonders of the modern world), the beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema, the Maracanã stadium, the Tijuca National Park (the largest urban forest in the world), the Quinta da Boa Vista, the island of Paquetá, and many more attractions to discover.
See more about the history of Río de Janeiro
See also information on Boa Vista.