Tiradentes is a beautiful, historic city in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, founded in the 18th century and named after the Inconfidência Mineira martyr, Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, known as "Tiradentes".
The city is known for its beautiful baroque churches, cobbled streets, colonial houses, and its calm and welcoming atmosphere.
Among the main attractions of Tiradentes are the church of Nuestra Señora de la Misericordia, the church of San Francisco de Paula, and the Museum of Sant'Ana.
The city is also famous for its cultural and gastronomic festivals, such as the Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes and the Gastronomy Festival.
To get to Tiradentes, you can take a bus from the city of São Paulo to the city of São João del Rey, and then take a local bus to Tiradentes.
The city also has a small airport, the Prefeito Octávio de Almeida Neves Airport, which receives flights from some cities in Brazil.
Tiradentes is located in the south of the state of Minas Gerais, about 190 kilometers from the city of Belo Horizonte and about 290 kilometers from the city of Rio de Janeiro.
See more about the location of Tiradentes
See also information on São Paulo y Belo Horizonte.