Estás en Brazil  Southeast  Petrópolis 

Overview of Petrópolis

Petrópolis is a city located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, about 68 km north of the city of Rio de Janeiro.

It is known as the "Imperial City" due to its historical importance as the residence of Emperor Pedro II during the 19th century.

The city has a beautiful natural landscape and unique colonial architecture.

Among its main tourist attractions are the Imperial Museum, the Cathedral of San Pedro de Alcántara, the Crystal Palace, the Serra dos Órgãos National Park and the House of Santos Dumont, among others.

To get to Petrópolis from Rio de Janeiro you can take a bus from Terminal Novo Rio, which takes about 1 hour and a half to get to the city.
It can also be accessed by car through the BR-040 highway, which connects Rio de Janeiro with Brasilia and other major cities in the interior of Brazil.

Petrópolis is located in a privileged position in the mountains of Rio de Janeiro, surrounded by beautiful mountains and with a cool and pleasant climate.

It is located at an altitude of 838 meters above sea level, which gives it a cool climate even in summer. The city is rich in history and culture, making it a popular tourist destination for those seeking to learn more about the history and culture of Brazil.

See more about how to get to Petrópolis

Places to visit in Petrópolis

Tourism notes in Petrópolis

Las playas de Petrópolis

Petrópolis se encuentra a 68 kilómetros del centro de Río de Janeiro, es un buen lugar para conocer un poco de la historia de la monarquía portuguesa. Tiene un clima más benévolo en los calurosos meses de verano. La Cidade Imperial fue erigida para que el emperador Pedro II pase sus vacaciones de verano, pero el monarca fue obligado a renunciar al trono en 1831 y las clases más adineradas de la época hicieron buen uso de sus elegant...

Playas cercanas a Río de Janeiro

Río de Janeiro tiene mucho para ofrecer dentro de esta "Cidade Maravilhosa", como algunas playas cercanas que se pueden conocer durante el día, o bien, y a pasar varios días en ellas. Para quienes deseen conocer estas ciudades y playas cercanas a Río, pueden ir en colectivos que salen de la Terminal Rodoviária Novo Rio, en Santo Cristo, a pasos del puerto. Para ir a Niterói, se llega en ferry cruzando la bahía o con ómnibus intermunicipales...
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Angra dos Reis
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Campos do Jordão
Ilha Grande
Monte Verde
Nova Friburgo
Ouro Preto
Ribeirão Preto
Río de Janeiro
São José dos Campos
São Paulo
Vila Velha
Visconde de Mauá
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