Estás en Brazil  Southeast  Ilha Grande 

Tourism in Ilha Grande

The Big Island (in Portuguese, Ilha Grande) is an island located in the bay of the same name, off the coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro.
It is part of the municipality of Angra dos Reis.

Vila do Abraão has about 3,000 inhabitants, and is known as the capital of the island.

Its economic activity revolves around tourism and fishing.

It has a rugged outline, with 34 small peninsulas, 7 inlets and 106 beaches.

It has several peaks, the highest altitude is Pico da Pedra d'Agua with 1031 meters above sea level and Pico do Papagaio, with 982 meters above sea level. Areas of extensive vegetation and even very dense jungle, hills, steep slopes, pontoons, plains, rivers and caves predominate.
Ilha Grande was a prison island until 1994, so it is a relatively new tourist destination. The largest tourist structure is in Vila do Abraão, a place where lodgings, restaurants and tour agencies that organize excursions in the surroundings are concentrated.

On the island there are no cars or motorized land transport, only walking, cycling or boating is allowed.

See more about the history of Ilha Grande

See also information on Angra dos Reis.

Places to visit in Ilha Grande

Praia do Abrãao

Es la playa del pueblo de Vila do Abraão.

Playa Preta

Es una pequeña playa ubicada muy cerca de Vila do Abraão.

Praia do Aventureiro

Es una playa más pequeña que otras, con 500 metros de longitud, pero es una de las más visitadas.

Laguna Verde

Se encuentra un poco más al oeste de la isla, y por tanto, está más alejada de Vila do Abraão.

Playa y cascada da Feiticeira

La Cachoeira da Feiticeira (o Cascada de la Hechicera en español) es uno de los paseos de caminata por la selva más lindos de Ilha Grande.

Vila do Abraão

Vila do Abraão es la principal ciudad de Ilha Grande y donde llegan los barcos.
Más Alojamiento en Ilha Grande:
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Seguinos en:
Angra dos Reis
Arraial Do Cabo
Belo Horizonte
Cabo Frio
Campos do Jordão
Ilha Grande
Monte Verde
Nova Friburgo
Ouro Preto
Ribeirão Preto
Río de Janeiro
São José dos Campos
São Paulo
Vila Velha
Visconde de Mauá
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