Estás en Brazil  North  Santarem 

Overview of Santarem

Santarem is a city in the state of Pará, in northern Brazil, located at the mouth of the Tapajós River in the Amazon River.

It is known for being a starting point to explore the Amazon jungle and for its beautiful river beaches.

Among the tourist attractions are the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Conception, the Municipal Market, the Fort of Tapajós and the Parque Ambiental de la Floresta.

In addition, tourists can take excursions to see the Tapajós and Amazonas rivers, as well as visit nearby indigenous communities.

To get to Santarem, you can fly from São Paulo, Brasilia, Belém and other major cities in Brazil. It is also possible to arrive by boat from Manaus and Belém.

The city has an airport and a bus station that connect with different destinations within the state of Pará and other states of the country.

Santarem's location makes it ideal for exploring the Amazon jungle, river beaches, and indigenous communities of the region. It is located 178 km south of the city of Santarém and 850 km west of Belém.

See more about the location of Santarem

See also information on São Paulo, Manaus y Belém.

Places to visit in Santarem

Tourism notes in Santarem

Santarém, la joya del Amazonas

Santarém es una ciudad situada en la desembocadura del río Tapajós en el río Amazonas, en el norte de Brasil. Es conocida por sus playas de arena blanca, su rica historia y su hermosa naturaleza. Santarém es el lugar ideal para explorar la selva amazónica, las cascadas y los ríos cristalinos. Algunos de los principales atractivos turísticos que ofrece esta ciudad son: La Playa de Alter do Chão es una de las playas...
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