The city of Boa Vista was founded in 1830 by Captain Inácio Lopes de Magalhães with the name Boa Vista do Río Branco belonging to the state of Amazonas.
In 1890, the town became the seat of a new municipality, and began to grow with the construction of the road that connects with Manaus.
In 1943 it was the capital of the Federal Territory of Rio Branco and experienced strong growth with a large migratory flow, and the federal territory changed its status to state and was renamed Roraima.
The main livelihood of the state, was the extraction of precious metals that was prohibited and seriously damaged the economy of the state and the city.
In the year 1950, the city of Boa Vista had approximately 5,000 inhabitants, and grew to 300,000 inhabitants today.
See more about the location of Boa Vista
See also information on Manaus y Rio Branco.